Vital Recharge


Vital Recharge

I have personally witnessed so many loved ones (myself included!) experience a massive amount of energetic burnout recently due to our “get shit done” culture and this mentality that we are meant to always be “on.”  However, true balance is key to maintaining our health and ability to move through life with an abundance of energy and vitality.


Seeing the Beauty


Seeing the Beauty

As hard as it can be to recognize the beauty in difficult times, there is so much power in small, simple moments with the opportunity to turn towards the light.

When we stop for a second to take a deep breath. When we pause to watch a cloud float by. When we slow down to witness the miracle that is the body we live in... we create more space for higher vibrations of energy to flow.


Self-Care First


Self-Care First

We’ve all been there. Feeling overwhelmed, burned out, like there aren’t enough hours in the day. Like we need a vacation. A retreat. Or just a moment to breathe. And often, we don’t prioritize ourselves until we are in desperate need of slowing down…
